
Endless paths level 2
Endless paths level 2

endless paths level 2 endless paths level 2

The room in the south-western corner contains the high priest's camp.To the left of the pit, on a hidden corpse ( Mechanics 4), is the unique rapier Measured Restraint.Use a grappling hook to descend into the pit - Safely descend with no checks.If failed, the party member with the worst Athletics gains Bruised Ribs (-4 Constitution), and all party members who failed the check gain Minor Fatigue. To avoid losing their grip, the entire party must pass an Athletics 3 check. Climb down the pit - Descend the rocky edge of the pit.Note however that this is broken, the party will not sustain any injury. Jump into the pit - The entire party gains Minor Fatigue (-10 Accuracy, -10% Maximum Endurance).The high priest and her honor guard stand around a chasm, which provides a one-way passage to the Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 5, which contains much higher level monsters than those in level 2, so be warned.The xaurip high priest, wearing the long skull of a young drake, leads the ceremony. Blood-spattered xaurips fill the room, dabbing themselves with blood before joining the rites. The center of the level contains a xaurip sacrificial pit, where the high priest is in the middle of conducting a sacrifice.The small room next to the stairs, with a dead body - that of Faramund, contains a trap in the doorframe, the unique breastplate Hand and Key, and a note: Faramund's Curse.Further down the corridor, in the north-eastern corner, are stairs to level 3. In the adjacent corridor, once you clear it of reptiles, you can save a freshly hatched Tiny White Wurm (inspect the broken egg).You can then put it out of its misery ( Hiravias, Sagani or Edér will note that it's the merciful thing to do.).

endless paths level 2

With Survival 5, you can tell that it matches the symptoms of a common poison, known as "Mocga's Tears".With Perception 16, you note that the discoloration coincides with the placement of the ritualistic paint.Following the northeastern corridor you'll reach a room with a dying xaurip with strange discoloration on its scales.The effigy by the entrance marks xaurip territory, but that won't dissuade you from invading it. This is a xaurip-infested area, as the name suggests and an introduction to what waits below: lots and lots of enemies.This level once served as a burial ground, judging by the recesses, and was recently taken over by xaurips, seeking to serve the wyrms and drakes populating the lower levels. Ruins start right below the lowest point of Caed Nua.

Endless paths level 2